EVERY MONDAY / 12:00-1:15PM ET on ZOOM
*email idgy.dean@gmail.com to sign up for class*
This easy-going yoga offering – OPEN TO ALL! – will take its lead from Patañjali's Yoga Sutras. Our sadhana (practice) will keep a regular and ritual simplicity–kevala:
“just this, nothing but this.”
Bring a candle, a commitment, your intentions, and your presence.
Together we will practice the basics of being.
Expect gentle and repetitive sun salutation flows, grounding standing postures, followed by pranayama breathing techniques and a brief kriya meditation to close. This is an opportunity to study the self in its continual motion, transformation, and liberation.
FREE for all HDS students, indigenous people, people of color, and the unemployed.
No one turned away for lack of funds!
If you’re feeling abundant & generous and want to invest in this endeavor, kindly
Venmo $13 or more to @idgydean
Or become a Member with benefits on PATREON!